Vol. 23 (2024)
A book label of the Kedem bookstore in Tel Aviv, established there after partner Lipa Bronstein of the Berlin original store (opened 1921) escaped the Nazis in 1938. The store address, at the corner of Yonah ha-Navi and Allenby streets, displays an abbreviation (str.) for the word Strasse (street, in German), creating two Hebrew-German portmanteau words. See Zvi Barsky's article in this issue, "Jewish Immigrant Booksellers from Germany and Central Europe in Palestine, 1933–1939."
Vol. 22 (2022)
A JCR bookplate in Sefer ha-ḥinukh by Aaron ha-Levi of Barcelona (Frankfurt an der Oder: Pinḥas Eliyahu ben Ḥayim Naḥman, 1783). Baltimore Hebrew Institute special collections [see Elaine Mael's article]
Vol. 21 (2020)
NASAWI News, volume 1, number 1 (1997), front cover. University of Michigan Library, Special Collections Research Center. Gift of Victor Perera, from the library of Victor Perera [see Gabriel Mordoch's article]
First open access issue
Vol. 20 (2017)
Ṿen ikh ṿel zayn a groyser (When I Grow Up), a Yiddish children's book written and illustrated by Ber Sarin (pseudonym of Moyshe Levin, 1907–1942). Wilno: U. Margolis i S. Klaczko. Lit. N. Mac i Syn, 1937, p. 3. Source: Fay Rachkovsky Berger, private collection [see Shulamith Berger's article]
Vol. 19 (2016)
An advertisement poster for a Fabrengen event at Berkeley Hillel, June 1974. The Schachter-Shalomi Collection, University of Colorado, Accession 2, Box 10 [see Stephanie Yuhas's article]
Vol. 18 (2014)
The Library. Larry Frankel, 2012. Courtesy of photographer Larry Frankel: “The image is based upon my beliefs that the Jewish religion should be based upon inclusion rather then a policy of exclusivity.”
First born-digital issue
Volume 16/17 (double issue; 2011)
Vol. 16 (2011)Ralph DiIon, Ha-Noḳem ha-almoni bi-fe‘ulah (The Anonymous Retaliator in Action). Tel Aviv: Ramdor (1963). Mivtse‘e Roḳi Sṭil: beḥir balashe ha-Interpol (The Operations of Rocky Still, Interpol Senior Detective), issue no. 2. Source: Arizona State University Libraries [see Rachel Leket-Mor's article]
Vol. 15 (2009)
Mahzor, Germany, 1345 (MS Vat. ebr. 438). Source: Hebrew Manuscripts in the Vatican Library: Catalogue, edited by Benjamin Richler. Città del Vaticano: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 2008 [see Roger S. Kohn's review]
Vol. 14 (2008)
Shimon Kanc, editor. Sefer zikaron: Otvotsk-Kartshev. Tel Aviv: Former Residents of Otvotsk-Kartshev, 1968. Source: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum [see Michlean J. Amir and Rosemary Horowitz's article]
Vol. 13 (2007)
Levi ben Gershom. Commentary on the Pentateuch. [Mantua]: Abraham ben Solomon Conat, Abraham Jedidiah ha-Ezrahi of Cologne, [ca. 1474–1478]. Source: Shimon Iakerson, Catalogue of Hebrew Incunabula from the Collection of the Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, item no. 16 [see Barry D. Walfish's review] -
Vol. 12 (2006)
The Calgary Peretz Shule’s Dramatic Club, waiting in the library to go on stage for an unidentified production. Source: Jewish Historical Society of Southern Alberta [see Faith Jones's article] -
Vol. 11 No. 1-2 (2003)
Prayer book, Breslau, dedicated in 1802 or 1803. Title page of a Yizkor and prayer book of a society in Breslau, MS. 85A. Source: The Louis Lewin Collection, Yeshiva University [see Marlene Schiffman's article]
Winter 2002–Spring 2003
Vol. 10 No. 1-2 (2000)
Image: Yeshiva University Libraries website, 12/22/1999 [see Jacob Shulman's article]
Spring 1999–Winter 2000
Vol. 9 No. 1-2 (1995)
Silavariyo espaniyol por uzarse ḳon las 4 tavlas. Ḳonsṭanṭinoplah: En lah imprimeriah de ʼA. Ḥ. Boyaǧan, 1884. Source: YIVO Institute for Jewish Research. Photo credit: Krysia Fisher [see Zachary Baker's article]
Spring 1994–Winter 1995
Vol. 8 No. 1-2 (1994)
Association of Jewish Libraries 28th Annual Convention [see Edith Lubetski and Esther Nussbaum article]
Spring 1993–Winter 1994
Vol. 7 No. 1–2 (1993)
First International Symposium on Jewish Children's Literature; special section, pp. 8–58 [see Marcia W. Posner's article]
Spring 1992–Winter 1993
Vol. 6 No. 1-2 (1992)
First International Conference of Judaica and Israeli Librarians, 1990 [see Edith Lubetski and Amnon Zipin's article]
Spring 1991–Winter 1992
Vol. 5 No. 2 (1991)
Association of Jewish Libraries, 1965–1990. "Dinner of Jewish Librarians Association in honor of Rabbi Chaim Lieberman," Association of Jewish Libraries Biographical Directory, p. 209
Spring 1990–Winter 1991
Vol. 5 No. 1 (1990)
Image source: Library of YIVO Institute for Jewish Research. Photos credit: Gerard Weinbreg [see Zachary Baker's article]
Spring 1989–Winter 1990
Vol. 4 No. 2 (1989)
Judaica Librarianship: Facing the Future Conference, 1988 [see sepcial section covering the conference, pp. 113–133]
Vol. 4 No. 1 (1988)
A cartoon from Nashvile YMHA News, Septemmber 1933. Source: Archives of the Jewish Federation of Nashville [see Annette Levy Ratkin's article]
Fall 1987–Winter 1988
Vol. 3 No. 1-2 (1987)
Simulation of "long display of a Hebrew record in RLIN [see Joan M. Aliprand's article]
Vol. 2 No. 1-2 (1985)
Bahya ben Asher. Sefer Rabenu Bahya. Naples: Azriel Gunzenhauser, 1492 [see Menahem Schmelzer's article]
Spring 1985
Vol. 1 No. 2 (1984)
An image from Beverly Brodsky's The Golem: A Jewish Legend (Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1976; unnumbrered pages) [see Marcia W. Posner's interview]
Spring 1984
Vol. 1 No. 1 (1984)
A photograph of a microcomputer [see David Gilner and Ellen Siegel Kovacic's article]
Fall 1983