Library of Congress Classification for Judaica: Recent Changes (1992-1993)
cataloging, Library of Congress Subject Headings, LCSHAbstract
The column covers the additions and changes to the Library of Congress classification made from July 1992 to March 1993 in the classes of major importance to Judaica libraries. Recorded here are the usual cutter additions and changes to various topics under class BM (Judaism) and its tables, as well as classes BS (Bible), DS (History) and PJ (Language and Literature). Other classes (i.e., B, BJ, DD, F, HE, PN, RC) that had changes pertaining to Judaica during this period are also included. The article notes several cutter additions under class number DS 135 (History of Jews outside of Palestine, by region or country, A-Z) that reflect the recent demise of the Soviet Union and the former republics' becoming independent states.
Of major significance are the following changes: (1) the breakdown for Jewish ethical philosophers (BJ 1287) was revised, with more general instructions for classification. (2) Under class number BM 675 (Special liturgical works), the cutters for the three major groups of Judaic liturgical books (i.e., Siddur, .D3; Mahzor, .F45; Haggadah, .P4) were removed from BM 675 and placed in their own new class numbers, which allows for greater expansion.