Library of Congress Classification for Judaica: Recent Changes (1993-1994)
Library of Congress, Jewish Studies call numbersAbstract
The additions and changes to the Library of Congress Classification made from April 1993 to December 1994 and which are relevant for Judaica libraries are covered in this column. Most of the changes come under classes BM (Judaism), BS (Bible), DS (History of Asia) and PJ (Oriental philology and literature). Of major significance are the following changes: (1) Class number DS110 (Israeli regions, towns, etc., A–Z) was expanded with an extensive list of new cutters. (2) The scope of class number PJ5054 was limited to Hebrew authors who published between 1946 and 1990, and a new class number, PJ5055—with a sophisticated breakdown—was introduced for authors who published since 1991. (3) The part of class number Z7772 dealing with Bibliographies on Parts of the Old Testament was divided into two sections: Groups of O. T. Books and Individual O. T. Books; each section was in turn expanded with numerous cutters.